Friday, November 9, 2012

Oh Jensen!

We couldn't get this child to hardly crack a smile when we were paying a photographer to take her picture, but when we get home this is what she does. 

Dora and the Pumpkin

It was a little chilly to trick-or-treat, but we made it to a few houses around Oma and Opa's neighborhood before the kids fingers got too frozen to put treats in their buckets.  Jensen Dora refused to wear her coat because she was so proud of her outfit (even declaring to a passerby that she was beautiful).  Hayden was a little confused as to why he had to wear a pumpkin on top of his clothes, but quickly caught on to knocking on a door and getting candy in his pumpkin bucket.  He enjoyed his first taste of candy after the adults concluded that we were done (we got really cold!).  Dora did wear a wig which we learned to never leave on a chair could get confused as an animal the next morning.  Thanks goes to Opa and Oma who carried the little, rather slightly beefy, pumpkin around the neighborhood! 

Just Because...

No reason for these pictures.  I was just paging through pictures from this spring and couldn't resist posting a few.  Our kiddos seem to be growing up too's good to remember these little smiles. 

Second Annual Apple Month

This year's Hinesley Apple Month was great!  We made apple butter, apple crisp, apple scones (courtesy of Chris!), and apple cinnamon pancakes.  Yummo.  Jensen and I also studied the life cycle of apple trees and watched a movie on apple farming during school time.  This year's trip to the apple orchard was much more successful than last year's trip.  Only one orchard.  No tears.  And we got apples!  We took Aunt Susie with us this year which was fun.  Because of the hot weather and drought in Indiana the apple crop wasn't as good this year, but there was still plenty of golden delicious apples to choose from.  Hayden had a great time running around the lines of trees and fell all over the place despite the fact that he was getting over having Hand, Foot and Mouth.  Jensen was mortified last year when we read a book about going to the orchard where the author wrote that the correct way to pick an apple is to turn the eye upward so it doesn't damage the tree.  We hadn't picked them the right way last year!  She made sure to turn them correctly this year and instructed the rest of us to do the same. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Family Time...What we've been up to

 Hayden wasn't too sure about fishing...he touched the fish once and was off to play with the ball.
 Jensen, however, couldn't wait until the bait was on to cast the line. Luckily she has a fisherman for a Daddy and caught a fish on almost every cast!
 Everyone begs to ride with Daddy on the little boy always cries when he has to get off.
 Hayden!  My how your legs have grown!
Jensen in her tent that she won from the library reading program.  She was thrilled to get to sleep in it when Aunt Susie came to visit. 

What Hayden is Thinking...

Are we really related? 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Before the summer is over

I guess I should post a few pictures from Hayden's birthday this spring!  We keep 1st birthdays low key around here so that Mom and Dad can enjoy the day with their sweet one year old.  We had a family morning at the zoo, naps, and meals with both sets of grandparents.  We did have a Caterpillar theme this year which was fun for the rest of us...not sure Hayden noticed much.  :) 

Hayden with his tongue out...classic Hayden.

Watching the baboons.

Safe and sound after someone let the stroller unknowingly roll down a hill!  Ahem. 

We had a Very Hungry Caterpillar themed evening.

Your first bite of cake!

The jury is still out I believe.

Cuddle time with Momo.

Trains, trucks and cars were a big hit as gifts!  We discovered you definitely know the "vroom" sound. 

Going for a walk

Just looking through some old pictures from the winter.  Do all older siblings try to take the younger for a walk like a dog?  Well...I wasn't too scarred so hopefully Hayden won't be either!

Tea Time

Jensen went to her first real tea party this summer at her friend Emma's house...well actually lemonade was served, but they each got to pour it from a pitcher into their own cups so they thought it was the greatest! Jensen was excited to get to wear her "wedding dress" from when she was a flower girl in Uncle James' wedding last year. Thank goodness it still fit! There was sipping of tea cups, tasting goodies, dress up and of course - dancing! I think it's fun to be 4!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Better Late Than Never

I guess I'll post some pictures from a few months ago now that it's July! More to come...thinking of my sister and brother-in-law tonight as they're getting ready to bring little Seth home from South Korea!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Buddy's Birthday!

I can't find the hospital pictures right now though I'm sure we've got multiple pictures somewhere, but these pictures show a little bit of the change that a year brings in the life of a baby. Happy (belated) birthday little buddy! We love you! We celebrated with a trip to the zoo and a Hungry Caterpillar cake and dinner/gifts with grandparents. It was much more of a success than the Elmo cake episode AND much less time consuming.